Does Anyone Know Who Mrs Sparkly Is? And Why Is She Giving Me This Award?

My friend Anne at My Life Uncut…Almost has awarded me the Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award.

I seriously have no idea what it is given for. Knowing the ten commandments? Maybe mastering all ten of them? Or does Mrs. Sparkly have her own set of ten commandments? This award just opens up so many unanswered questions for me!

I have no idea what I did to earn it, but I do truly thank Anne for thinking of me and my little site, and passing the honor over to me.

Now, unlike some of the other blog shout-outs, this award has some hard-fast, unflinchingly rigid rules…Proper acceptance and compliance are demanded; disobedience to said rules will go on a report that will follow you around for the rest of your life!!

Ha, ha..I’m just kidding about the hard-fast rules…There are rules, and as usual, I view them as things that beg to be broken.

The rules for this award are that you must answer the following ten questions and nominate ten blogs that you think deserve the award.

1. Describe yourself in seven words.
stubborn, determined, hyper-vigilant, introverted, passionate, loyal, and afraid of too much silence

2. What keeps you up at night?
Severe Insomnia

3. Whom would you like to be?
I just want to be myself. My guess is that everyone has a story, good and bad, and I don’t know how I would function in someone else’s complicated life..

4. What are you wearing now?
My fuzzy pajama bottoms that look like Walt Disney threw up on them and then drew the word “Love” over and over again with his finger, and a soft white t-shirt. I’d like to note: It is 3am in the morning right now, which is why I’m dressed for bed.

5. What scares you?
Something happening to my children or my husband.

6. What are the best and worst things about blogging?

The best thing about blogging for me is that I am able to develop friendships with people all over the world, and through their blogs, I get all sorts of glimpses into other people’s thoughts, feelings, opinions, families…you name it.

The worst is keeping up with the many, many blogs. I can fairly keep up if I devote a full workday to it, but it also means I can’t really stop and comment on every post like I used to. I think the commenting is really, really important when you are trying to make new friends.

7. What was the last website you looked at?

8. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I wouldn’t struggle with trust.

9. Slankets, yes or no?
Slankets are called Snuggies here, and I’m going to have to say no. I would have said yes until recently, but now I’m getting hot flashes occasionally, and I need to be able to shed clothes quickly and efficiently …Snuggies don’t seem to be Hot Flash Friendly.

10. Tell us something about the person who nominated you.

Anne at My Life Uncut…Almost writes about a variety of subjects, and also composes poetry, and is an amateur photographer. She is a mature Christian woman, and is always ready to give an answer for our Lord. She is straightforward and honest, but yet gentle and patient…even to people who love to show up at her blog address merely to rock her boat. Oh, and she has a lovely smile! 🙂  Thank you, Anne, for this pretty award.

Nominations for Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award:

1. Summer @ Inspire Hope

2. Melody @ The Donkey Whisperer Farm 2010 – How cool is the name of her blog?

Thanks, again, Anne. And thanks to all of you who keep coming back here! I feel pretty honored to meet all of you…  🙂

— Bird

24 responses to “Does Anyone Know Who Mrs Sparkly Is? And Why Is She Giving Me This Award?”

  1. ha ha ha!!! You made me LOL more than once. Thanks! I don’t have a clue where this originated from by the way…and just to clarify, I’m not an amateur photographer. Mostly, I’m a crummy photographer. I take pictures that other people have taken (some I took…but most were ones Ted or others took, or old photos) and completely destroy them with photoshop. And hopefully in the process, cool abstract art comes out. 🙂

    But thanks for the nice things you said about me. And have a good day!! ❤


  2. Hey Bird. My blog for today made me think of you, since you are a fan of the Kardashians and all. It’s more a comment on the response to her recent decision.

    BTW, congrats on your umpteenth blogger award.


  3. I think answering blogs is on the 10 Commandments of blogging, and I am severely lacking most days (given the nagging insistence of creditors for money and children for more food, necessitating activities that pay actual money). Congrats (?) on the award and I hope to do better in letting you know I am out here. 🙂 Blessings.


  4. For your information I found out something about this award and it is beautiful…Diane The “Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award” has to do with a woman of the same name, known for being very elegant and having high expectations, and who is committed to maintaining integrity, good manners and behavior, as well as a rich sense of humor


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